The first Behat & BDD training

Published on

Dec 6, 2011


Dec 7, 2011 − Behat is the BDD framework for PHP which allows you to define and test your application with natural language. We've been working on it at KNP Labs for quite some time with the help of an incredible community. And today thanks to him and to an awesome community effort Behat is a great and stable product. Now it's time for KNP Labs to offer Behat and BDD trainings!

Do you know Behat?

Behat is the BDD framework for PHP which allows you to define and test your application with natural language:

Feature: Visit the homepage
    In order to crawl my website
    As a visitor
    I need to be able to follow links

Scenario: Click a link from the homepage
    Given I am on the homepage
    When I follow "Ponies"
    Then I should see "Here be ponies!"

*this example comes from our latest article in the Behat Like A Boss serie.

Using BDD (Behavior Driven Development) in your application has a number of advantages:

  1. it's easy to read. By everybody − Project Managers and Clients included.
  2. it's easy to write. By everybody, mainly by Project Managers and Clients.

These points are important, because if you write your Behat scenarios with the Project Manager / the client, your software will do what it's supposed to do: what the client needs.

So what Behat does is interpret these scenarios as automatic tests: it will tell you when you've solved your client needs… or if you broke an old feature when creating a new one!

And it's been used a lot with success in other languages like Ruby.

everzet + KNP Labs

Behat creator, everzet - aka Konstantin Kudryashov - has been working with KNP Labs for quite some time now.

Since the beginning, we have chosen to dedicate 30% of his time at KNP to Behat open-source development!

Quite an investment!
But that was such a great choice: today Behat is very stable and very professionnal.
More and more companies have been using it in production (if you read this article and you do: say hello!); even in France − which is well-known for being a little late when it comes to agile methodologies, we see a growing base of users.
And we have also seen a great number of contributions for the community.

And that's awesome.

Introducing Behat trainings!

Now that Konstantin has joined us in our French offices, we will do what we've wanted to do for a long time: help people understand how BDD and Behat can improve the way they work.

It's easy to understand what BDD is about, but it's much harder to know how to use it correctly and efficiently when you have no experience.

That's why we now offer Behat Trainings .

And the first ever session will be held in Paris 19th and 20th of January. It will be in (international) english as it will be given by Konstantin himself!

So book it now or get more infos!

Of course, we're also available to come to your company (everywhere in the world) to train your team!
Just send us an email to to discuss that.

Also: if you want us to create a session in your city in english or in french: send us an email too!

And thank you for this great piece of software, Konstantin!

Written by

KNP Labs
KNP Labs
