[Initiative] Trying out Rails3 for an open-source CRM
Published on
Nov 18, 2010
Nov 19, 2010 − As part of our new KNP Initiatives, we are starting BusinessTime, a new web application that will allow us to manage our projects and contacts… in Rails 3!
As part of our new Knp Initiatives, we are starting BusinessTime, a new web application that will allow us to manage our projects and contacts.
We want it to be a knwoledge repository. Who are the people involved in the project I am currently working on? What did our project manager say to the customer on the phone yesterday? How do I get this legacy code running? What is the password for the customer's backend? Oh and by the way, can I get a reminder that I'll have to phone Daniel next week?
Let's say it's a strange mix between a CRM, a calendar, a wiki and a project management tool. But we want it simple, fast and straightforward.
On a technical point of view, it's also an opportunity to dive into the brand new Rails 3 framework and see what's good inside. The Ruby community is very active and seems to produce nice pieces of software. A good way to try out an other framework and keep an open mind − as advised by Vincent is his very good article (french).
Feel free to check the project on github!