KNP Lands in the USA!

Published on

Mar 16, 2011


Mar 17, 2011 − With all the electricity behind Symfony2 in the US, we just couldn't stay away. Today, we're thrilled to announce the arrival of KNP to the USA with Ryan Weaver at the helm.

Hey there! My name is Ryan Weaver (@weaverryan) and I'm pleased to be writing to you for the first time from inside the KNP website. For those of you wondering how a guy from Nashville USA landed on the blog of a French web development agency, stay tuned! But first, some background.

For over four years, I've watched symfony grow into a tool that's now redefining web development. I've gone from a scared developer answering forum questions to a blogger, author, speaker and ultimately a Symfony2 core contributor. I owe my success entirely to the passion of the symfony community and the goodwill of developers like Fabien, Dustin, Kris and Jon as well as the sea of truly brilliant newcomers. These people are the reason that Symfony2 is a game-changing technology.

And I believe the best is yet to come.

Knp: Your US Symfony Experts

Enter Knp, where quality, innovation and fun are a way of life. Founders Matthieu Bontemps and Laetitia Wagner have built a team of dangerously talented developers by following one simple philosophy: hire the best and let them express their passion. Job well done.

And for all these reasons, I'm thrilled to announce the arrival of KNP to the USA with me - Ryan Weaver - as your host. There's a flame growing in the US and we couldn't help but come and fuel that fire. With great companies like OpenSky, ServerGrove, and (a KNP client) already contributing and using Symfony2 in production (among many others), the community in the US is thriving and the future is bright.

Our goals in the US are pretty simple:

  • To throw our energy into the (already awesome) US Symfony community

  • To offer high-quality, real-world training courses in the style of KNP (i.e. fun) to get you immediately productive in:

    • Symfony2 (w/ Doctrine, forms, security, Twig, etc.)
    • Behat (test your app in style)
    • symfony1 (hey, it's still great!)
    • and anything else we fall in love with!
  • To partner with clients and build high quality, clean applications with the top-notch KNP development team

  • To provide companies with expert in-house Symfony2 consulting and training (ping me!

  • (and a personal goal) To help attract and motivate a new generation of passionate, talented web developers.

Hey you, Learn Symfony2 with Us!

Curious about Symfony2? Ready to get started? Great, cause we're bringing this show on the road :).

For anyone looking to go from a Symfony2 beginner to a Symfony2 ace, join us for the first ever Symfony2 training in the US. Naturally, we're calling it "Symfony2 Spacecamp: From Novice to Ninja". Heck, we like the idea so much, we're going to do it twice. The deets:


Two straight days of intense, hands-on, awesome Symfony2 training given by Ryan Weaver.

Where and when?

  • May 19th & 20th - Nasvhille, TN
  • June 6th & 7th - New York, NY

How much?

Over-achiever pricing: $900 (i.e. "early-bird": register by April 27th for Nashville, or May 18th for NYC)

Procrastinator pricing: $1200

Sign up!

Ready to train, want more information or just have some questions? Email me: Check back in the coming days for all the specifics (or watch us on twitter).

Written by

KNP Labs
KNP Labs
